If you want to find the best Husky training information and advice, you really need to start by looking at yourself. The first key principle in training your Husky is understanding that your Husky is waiting for leadership and will react to you. Although Huskies are very smart, it's wrong to assume that they are waiting to outsmart you. Being a pack dog, your Husky wants to belong to 'your pack' and will do what it needs to do to be accepted. Keep in mind that animal instinct should not be confused with disobedience. Negative behaviors by your Husky are what you will probably want to address first. The best method that you can use when adjusting bad behavior is to focus on moulding how their natural instincts come out in behavior. Losing your cool and yelling at your Husky will do nothing to change their behaviour. Remember your Husky is looking for a strong leader, not a bully.
Core Husky Training
There are a number of basic Husky training methods that a Husky owner should consider when beginning to train their cute, but often mischievous fluffy friend. These crate mould methods can make your life a lot less stressful as far as training your Husky goes.
Crate Training - Crate training provides your Husky with a territorial space or home that it can call its own. Crates should not be used as a form of punishment. Initially when you are crate training your husky make sure you never leave your Husky on his own. The more time you spend with your Husky when crate training the better the transition. Crate training can provide a good foundation for housing training, reducing barking and preventing anxiety type issues.
Leash Training - If you are coming up against a few hurdles when walking your dog on a leash, you should take a step back and make sure that your Husky is behaving calmly before heading off for a walk. This may require some waiting when you are first using this technique. Once your Husky is calm, the likelihood of a good response to your commanded on your upcoming walk is greatly increased. The majority of dogs with leash issues simply are not aware that it is not acceptable behaviour. If your dog pulls on the leash, pause and make them sit by your side calmly before walking off again. Eventually your Husky will associate them pulling with the walk being stopped. This technique works in the majority of cases.